
The role of the Welfare Officer has in the past concentrated on assisting members of the ex-service community by visiting and offering support to members and their families at times of illness or death. However, as the veteran community ages, its needs are changing and the Welfare Officer must now increasingly assist veterans, their dependants and carers with information and advice about health and community services, especially those available to older persons.

People seeking the assistance of a Welfare Officer may ask about a variety of matters, such as home help or home maintenance services available from local community agencies; Meals-on-Wheels eligibility; the benefits of a pre-paid funeral scheme; local accommodation choices for older or disabled people; wills and getting financial and legal affairs in order; or help at the time of a bereavement. The possibilities seem endless.

One aspect of a Welfare Officer's role is to gather up-to-date information on the local community services available and to advocate, if necessary, to ensure that members of the ex-service community have access to those services. A Welfare Officer needs to be knowledgeable in regard to all services and support available to members of the ex-service and general communities and, if services are not available, determine how they might advocate an alternative arrangement for the veteran or widow.

For details about Welfare please contact the Welfare Officer or Sub-Branch Secretary.


The Bass Hill RSL Sub-Branch offers advice and preparation of claims under the VEA and SCRA by our volunteer Pensions Officer. The RSL does not charge for this service and you do not have to be an RSL member.  Serving members of the Australian Defence Force based in the Sydney area may also obtain representation from RSL NSW through Defence Care Section.

The Pension Officer is trained under the Training and Information Program (TIP). The Training and Information Program (TIP) is a joint venture of ex-service organisations and Veterans' Affairs providing training for members of the ex-service community as Pensions Officers, Welfare Officers and Advocates.

For more information, please contact our Pensions Officer.

Aged Care

There seems to be quite a lot of Controversy about Hostel type accommodation, Respite Care, Nursing Homes and Home and Community Care.  Before you can obtain any of the above Services or Aged Care you must be assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT).

Please contact your Medical Practitioner or our Welfare Officer for more information.

Powers of Attorney & Guardianship

For information on Power of Attorney or Enduring Power of Guardianship, contact the Welfare Officer or Sub-Branch Secretary.

What happens when you die?

Contact the Welfare Officer or Sub-Branch Secretary for a checklist of what should be set in place before the event and what to do after.

Pre-planning a Funeral

A funeral and the bereavement that goes with it will affect a family and loved ones both emotionally and financially.  A little forethought and pre-planning, we have the opportunity to relieve some of the burdens from those closest to us.

If you require assistance in pre-planning a funeral, contact our Welfare Officer.

Widows & Dependants Benevolent Fund

Certain criteria has been set by the Sub-Branch for the member's Widow/Widower on his/her death.

That criteria can be supplied by contacting the Sub-Branch Secretary.

Members are requested to ensure they have signed the relevant documentation and keep their membership up to date otherwise the claim can be forfeited.