The Newsletter is produced Bi-monthly

Our humble Newsletter publication is designed to keep the members informed about current issues regarding Veteran Affairs, pensions and the like. It has a Welfare component that notifies them about other members who are unwell and often includes tips on safety and security and health issues.

Up-to-date Defence Force issues are also included in the Newsletter. It is an attempt to keep the interest in our present Services, showing the modernization they are currently going through.

Humour also plays a big part of the Newsletter. There are many members who do not have the ability to play an active part in the Community and look forward to a joke. Laughter is needed by all members to overcome the aches and pains of life and many wait anxiously for that few pages to brighten up their lives.

The Editor of the Newsletter eagerly awaits snippets of information and true stories written by members about their experiences whilst in uniform. Contact the Editor through the Sub-Branch or emailed him at

Current Newsletters

Simply click on an Issue to open the PDF on your computer. You may then read the newsletter on screen or download/print.

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